Monday, July 4, 2011

My blog!

Hi guys, I'm back~

I was supposed to be studying but... HERE I AM!
Anyways, this is just gonna be a short post.

I checked my stats and it turned out that A LOT of people viewed my blog, people from all over the word to be exact. I was really surprised...
But I would really appreciate it if those people (I'm looking at you *glare*) would follow my blog.
What's the point in blogging if nobody's gonna follow you? Exactly, there is no point.

So, that's all I came to blog about...

Until next time!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

No ordinary family

So, you guy watch 'No ordinary family' yet?
So basically the show is about this super family who helps people, trust me, it's more interesting than I explained it.

Whenever I watch it, which I'm doing right now while typing this, I think about people around me who also help people. I think about my family.
Mum deals with me and sis like she has super powers, she puts up with our constant whining and she also makes time for us when we need it (just like Stephanie in 'No ordinary family').
And dad... well, wow, dad, the strength of the family -- literally (like Jim in 'No ordinary family'), he works for money to support our family and well... you know... I can't be more clearer than that.
My sister, well, mind my language but my sister's a bitch! But she's pretty cute. That's all I'm saying.

Onto my pals, my friends, my teenage family.
We have Marie, Michelle and Oanh (all of which you can visit if you go to their blog which is located on the right side of my blog). They're great, I actually think they're the first genuine friend I had since I entered high school which was like, four years ago.
They great you know, supported me throughout my school years, yeah, we had our ups and downs but hey, they're good enough for me.

Bye for now.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I love my friends

Notice anything different about my blog? Take a look at the  header! Isn't it awesome?!?
You guys should REALLY 9and i mean REALLY) check out 'Shabby Blogs', IT'S AWESOME!!! IT'S SO CUTE!! I LOVE IT!

Anyway, yesterday was MY BIRTHDAY PARTY!!!!! WHOOO! So, I had A LOT of expensive presents.
Want me to list them?
-$100 from grandparent
-$50 from each aunt (there's two)
-$20 from older cousin
-$40 scarf from two younger cousin and my aunt
-three books worth $20 or more
- $90 Michael jackson: the experience game from two friends (i love you guys)
- a paper shredder (don't know how much)
- a cute handbag (don't know how much)
- a snow-globe and swan statue
- and a hat (the one that I wanted for ages!)
-and a board game

I love them so much!
My aunt made a jelly cake for me, it was in a form of a hat! It had flowers and leaves (all made from jelly) on it! Looked AWESOME! Thank you aunty!
My cake that I ordered from 'The Cheesecake Shop' was a triple chocolate, I think, I don't know but IT WAS YUMMMY!!!!

I screamed so much when I opened my presents... Screamed even more when I saw a hat that I wanted for ages, a book that i wanted to buy for ages and THE MICHAEL JACKSON: THE EXPERIENCE WII GAME!!!!! *screams*

I love my friends...

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I have just realised that I am very emotional these days.
I don't know why, but whenever something sad happens, tears comes streaming through my eyes.
I know what you are thinking, "f course you cry when something bad happens!" But no, I was different people! Whenever something sad happen before, I don't cry, I believed (note the 'ed') that 'crying shows weaknesses', I still do -- it's just that I can't help it.
I just read a beautifully sad poem called 'Daddy's Day', it is just so sad and if I was the mother of that special little girl, I would be beyond proud of my daughter.

So, as you guys saw, the title of today's update is 'EMOTIONS'. I know, I know -- this has nothing to do with cupcakes, right? RIGHT!
But come on... If you want cupcakes, go visit my cupcake tab (above) though, i haven't updated yet (^.^) and do you really want me to go on about the things that sucks in my life?
Anyways, back on topic, what is emotions? It's definitely not a cupcake (if it was then I would have known~), no it's something that we, as an individual feel. And of course, each of us feel a certain emotional differently (and no, just because someone is emotional, DOES NOT MEAN THAT THEY ARE AN EMO --- THAT'S A HORRIBLE THING TO SAY!)
Emotions, can be represented differently, when I'm sad, I cry but I know others when they are sad, they just stay silent for as long as they need to. When I'm ticked off at somebody, I express my anger through err... let's just say I learn Taekwondo, okay? But when others are angry, they just walk out of the room to calm down.
Some people may not realised others emotions because either they are too ignorant (like someone I know) or the person is just really good at hiding their emotions.
But I think it's good to let your emotions out, if you feel that you need to cry, then cry, if you feel you need to punch the wall, then punch the wall -- but, don't create a hole.

Well, that's me for now!
Have a good life and let your emotions fly~

OMG, I just realised I wrote a semi-essay on emotions.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Throne of Firee~!!!!!

Rick Riordan's latest book 'THRONE OF FIRE' is coming out on the 5 of MAY!!! YAY! I didn't know about it until my friend Oanh (you can see her blog here>> told me.
I was so happy~ Screamed my head off.

Anyway, how was your day?
Mine was great, I found out that I failed badly on my biology assignment. Good day, yeah? *sigh*
I have my first half-yearly as a senior exams next week. From Friday to Friday.
Hey, have you heard the song, 'FRIDAY'? It's pretty catchy if you ask me. It's just the lyrics are weird.
But, don't go dissing the poor girl, she didn't write the song, when she signed up for the record deal, her debut song was between an adult-love song and that FRIDAY song.

wells, time to study again.
Until next time!
 and remember: 'The destination does not matter, the journey does.'

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kute Kakes!

OMG! I found this really cute site while looking for cakes. it's so cute!!
I really want to make my own birthday cake, ya know, but then, i really want it to be a surprise for me.
  This is the cake I want to make for my birthday, it's so unusual but so magical at the same time. [see my cupcake page -- I'll extend on my thoughts]
This is SUPER cute!! I love this so much, I want to make this for my sister's birthday, this is easy for me to make, the one above will take very long to make, but if I pull it off then, WOW, I'll be so happy!

well, that's me for now--byes!

Monday, April 11, 2011


YO!! Did ya miss me? AWWs, i knew you would.
Anyways, after so many months being in the mafia and not blogging, here I am!!
Nah, I'm kidding, I'm not in the mafia (WTF?!), just I was REALLY busy with assignments, homework and study for year 11.
Now, enough of me, what about you?! Actually, don't worry, I don't wanna know.
Okay, what has happened since I stopped blogging...??? Hmm.... Well, I bought two bunnies and two guinea pigs! I name the bunnies, General Flopsy (should have named it Bugs Bunny) and Lola Bunny. The guinea pigs, my sister named them, Pola and Pongo from this kid's show.

Oh, did i mention that I'm doing an interview with Lian Tanner? Online interview that is, but it won't take place if NOBODY PARTICIPATES!!!

What else happened? Oh yeah, in my maths class, there's this guy, OMG I hate him SO MUCH!! His voice just makes me wanna stand up and slap him. He's so rude too! So glad it's holiday period for us.

Well, short blog, but at least I blogged, bye~!