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So... who loves cupcakes?? I DO!!
There are SOOOOOOOOO many pretty cupcakes out there that I want to get my hands on (just as much as I would like to get my hands on boys <<you didn't read that!) the first cupcake I EVER made are
fairy-wing cupcakes. Kinda like these shown below.
But I didn't always make cupcakes, I bake cakes as well. But the one thing this sixteen year old can't do, is cook. Yes, ram it in your brain people, I CAN'T COOK!
But the cake-baking makes up for it, right?
Anyways, I always wanted to bake cupcakes, ever since I was a tiny little brat (hehe, I must admit, I was kinda a brat back then), but that's not the point right now, the point is that I LOVE to bake --actually "LOVE" is an understatement, I completely ADORE baking tiny, little, fluffy, cute cupcakes!
<<This one is completely adorable! This is one that I would love to bake myself, maybe I should do that for my birthday party -- eh, but it's still too early to start planning that now (but I've already started).
This one is just perfect for tea parties, or formal occasions, it's adorably cute and I can't wait to buy all the stuff to bake it.
This one is very cute! I want to make this for my sister's birthday! It's easy for me to make, I have all the right equipment and all.Well, I guess all I have to do is bake seven cakes (circle), three small ones -- cutting one of them in half to make the ears and two of them for the paws.
Next, ummm..... Two medium size for the feet and two big ones for the head and tummy.
All we have to do is decorate it,
that we need a piping bag with different tubes (pattern), we also need three different coloured icing; light pink, light brown and dark brown.
And after that -- TA DA~
This is perfect for sweet sixteen, it's so odd and unusual but so magical and surprising at the same time.