Saturday, April 16, 2011

Kute Kakes!

OMG! I found this really cute site while looking for cakes. it's so cute!!
I really want to make my own birthday cake, ya know, but then, i really want it to be a surprise for me.
  This is the cake I want to make for my birthday, it's so unusual but so magical at the same time. [see my cupcake page -- I'll extend on my thoughts]
This is SUPER cute!! I love this so much, I want to make this for my sister's birthday, this is easy for me to make, the one above will take very long to make, but if I pull it off then, WOW, I'll be so happy!

well, that's me for now--byes!

Monday, April 11, 2011


YO!! Did ya miss me? AWWs, i knew you would.
Anyways, after so many months being in the mafia and not blogging, here I am!!
Nah, I'm kidding, I'm not in the mafia (WTF?!), just I was REALLY busy with assignments, homework and study for year 11.
Now, enough of me, what about you?! Actually, don't worry, I don't wanna know.
Okay, what has happened since I stopped blogging...??? Hmm.... Well, I bought two bunnies and two guinea pigs! I name the bunnies, General Flopsy (should have named it Bugs Bunny) and Lola Bunny. The guinea pigs, my sister named them, Pola and Pongo from this kid's show.

Oh, did i mention that I'm doing an interview with Lian Tanner? Online interview that is, but it won't take place if NOBODY PARTICIPATES!!!

What else happened? Oh yeah, in my maths class, there's this guy, OMG I hate him SO MUCH!! His voice just makes me wanna stand up and slap him. He's so rude too! So glad it's holiday period for us.

Well, short blog, but at least I blogged, bye~!